Hope for Wildlife, Season Seven
So much Hope.
This year is a turbulent time of change and renewal at Hope For Wildlife. Hope and her team are caring for more than 3,000 injured and orphaned wild animals – more than ever before. The workload has outgrown Hope’s tiny 100-year-old farm. She’s trying to move into a new facility, but the construction is halted by the worst winter in a century.
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EPISODE 79: Hope For Spring
The worst winter in 100 years buries the rehab in snow. Hope’s team digs in to help birds and bobcats struggling to survive the brutal winter.
EPISODE 80: Meant for This Place
A hare in a snare needs Hope’s help. Chelsea hits the road to rescue a litter of orphaned foxes. An injured bobcat is rushed to Dr. Barry’s for medical attention.
EPISODE 81: Going It Alone
When there’s only one animal of a species, Hope’s team must take special care. They construct a special flight tent for a lone bat. The youngest porcupine Hope has ever seen arrives at the rehab. A volunteer rescues a seal stranded in a neighbouring province.
EPISODE 82: Stepping Up
Silver the seal has a mysterious illness. Kayla finds a surprise in an attic full of baby raccoons. A former volunteer makes her debut as a veterinarian.
EPISODE 83: The Early Bird
Deer season is slow to start, then floods the rehab with fawns. Chelsea tries to reunite the first fawn with its mother. Two police officers rescue another fawn after its mother was hit by a car.
EPISODE 84: Catch and Release
A fisherman’s illegal catch provides a feast for Hope’s patients. An invasive species winds up on the menu, too. Hope’s team must round up five feisty bobcats and return them to the wild.
EPISODE 85: Whatever It Takes
A fawn survives a snare and a bobcat attack – can Hope’s team save it? A baby bobcat winds up on Hope’s doorstep. And an old friend returns to the rehab to help in Hope’s hours of need.
EPISODE 86: A Wing And A Prayer
Dr. Barry helps two fleet fliers with wing injuries: a peregrine falcon and a goshawk. The bird nursery fills to the rafters with hungry babies needing round-the-clock care.
EPISODE 87: Axis Mundi
A handful of weasels from winter is finally ready for release into the wild. A daring volunteer is offshore and in the weeds to rescue an injured eagle. A gull that hatched on the farm flies free.
EPISODE 88: Party Crasher
Hope’s annual open house is more popular than ever! The whole team scrambles to get ready. In the midst of the big event, an injured bobcat is rushed in for emergency medical attention
EPISODE 89: Cat Out Of The Bag
Hope tries to make two orphaned bobcats into playmates, with mixed results. One hundred patients are ready for release after months of waiting. A rare bird makes a brief stopover at Hope For Wildlife.
EPISODE 90: House and Home
Change sweeps through Hope For Wildlife as she finally moves into the new rehab and the old buildings come down. Hope has more white-tailed deer than any previous year. Rounding them up for release is a bigger challenge than ever.
EPISODE 91: Aguas de Marco
Injured and orphaned animals keep Hope busy from the first big snowfall right through to the Spring thaw. Valentine’s Day brings romance and rescues to the rehab.
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